CTC-RI and Providence College – Perfect Partners

  • 11 Dec 2023

CTC-RI has enjoyed hosting student interns from Providence College (PC) for many years. The interns come from PC's Department of Health Sciences' Health Policy and Management (HPM) Bachelor of Science major. CTC-RI has provided learning opportunities to two students per year--one each semester. Our most recent intern, Jordan Brewster, is pictured here at PC's November intern poster fair with her mentor and PC alumnus, Sue Dettling, CTC-RI Program Manager / Practice Facilitator. Jordan assisted with the CTC-RI annual conference, conducted research, and helped analyze and display data for key projects. If you would like more information about hosting an HPM intern, please reach out to Todd Olszewski, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Department Chair, Department of Health Sciences, Providence College at: tolszews@providence.edu. General inquiries regarding PC interns may be directed to Victoria Lally, Associate Director for Alumni & Employer Engagement at: vlally@providence.edu