Register Now for Breakfast for Champions!

  • 16 Aug 2023

On September 8, 7:30AM, CTC-RI will host it's quarterly Breakfast of Champions Meeting with ArchAngels. Unpaid caregivers are the backbone of our nation and there are a lot of us. Caregiver intensity is impacting all aspects of our health--moreso for “double-duty” caregivers and at-risk populations--and we’re coping however we can. The good news? We absolutely can do something about it. Join us as we dig into what we all can be doing--as business, healthcare, and community leaders AND as individuals--to support unpaid caregivers around us, and why it represents one of the biggest opportunities for creating top- and bottom-line impact with a massive side of social good. Speakers will be:

• Alexandra Drane, Co-founder and CEO of ARCHANGELS

• Rebecca Preve, Executive Director, Association on Aging in New York

• Bernie McGuiness, Health Care Executive, BMHC

Attendance is encouraged as topics are designed to improve effectiveness as primary care providers, and to promote wellness for our teams. CME credits and certificates of attendance will be available. Register via Eventbrite now!