CTC-RI Healthcare Workforce Development Efforts

  • 12 Jun 2023

CTC-RI is committed to supporting healthcare workforce development efforts across disciplines. Recently, a Primary Care Provider Workforce Development Committee was established, co-chaired by Drs. Jeffrey Borkan and Denise Coppa. This committee currently is drafting a strategic plan for its work. For Nurse Care Managers, CTC-RI has a G-learn training series for nurses in the field and 4th year nursing students. CTC-RI is also incentivizing new integrated behavioral health (IBH) clinicians to complete the UMass Integrated Care Curriculum to deepen their IBH clinical skills. A new cohort will be available in Fall 2023. Monthly “Meet and Eats” offer IBH clinicians peer support and consultation. Community health workers have the opportunity to connect to training efforts through the DULCE project and Rhode to Equity monthly training and network meeting. Lastly, pharmacists have an opportunity to participate in a project to increase team capacity for using professional use continuous glucose monitoring. Stay tuned for updates on CTC-RI's progress in this important area.