Success Spotlight:

  • 06 Aug 2021
EBCAP Nurse Care Manager Marilyn R. Saunders

CTC-RI recently interviewed Marilyn R. Saunders, BSN, NSM, CDOE of East Bay Community Action Program who previously completed the Nurse Care Manger/Care Coordinator Standardized Core Curriculum Program and shared her positive experience. As a reminder for NCMs/CCs interested in applying to the next program, applications are due July 23.


Why did you join the NCM Core Curriculum Training Program?

I joined the NCM curriculum training to improve patient outcomes. My goal was a team approach with patients, their families and providers for health education with buy-in. This started with meeting with patients to discuss their health goals and motivational interviewing.


What was one of the most surprising takeaways from your participation in the program?

I was introduced to motivational interviewing. This process helped patients and our health team understand an achievable goal setting. We also found that not all patients were interested in NCM support. We respect the needs of our patients and offer to check-in if a patient agrees. Patients also may graduate and we then add other patients who agree to NCM support.


How has the NCM Core Curriculum Program impacted your day-to-day workflow as a NCM today?

We start our day by reviewing the appointments scheduled, review patient’s current plan of care, then meet with providers to discuss health goals. The plan is fluid and adjustments are made with patient and health team input.


What advice would you give to other NCMs considering this program?

I believe working with patients and providers to write a health plan will improve health outcomes. Remember to adjust a plan, as needed, and to be aware that transitions in care due to ER admission, hospitalization, medication changes all need to be discussed with patient and provider. We also are interviewing patients often to determine current social determinants of health. Motivational interviewing helps patients set realistic goals and offer sense of accomplishment.