Nurse Care Manager/Care Coordinator (NCM/CC) Best Practice Sharing Meeting

  • 01 Jul 2020

Over 50 Nurse Care Managers/Care Coordinators (NCM/CC) virtually attended the June 16 best practice sharing meeting. Pediatric NCM/CC who recently completed the GLearn Core Curriculum training program presented their capstone care management presentations. Pediatric NCM/CC were supported in their learning by CTC/PMCH KIDS GLearn faculty member and subject matter expert Gail Davis. Learners completed a blended learning experience which included robust, proven online modular content, coupled with regularly scheduled Zoom meetings with other learners interested in applying the patient-centered medical home concepts within the Rhode Island environment. Special thanks are extended to UnitedHealthcare, who has provided financial support for this training program. Pediatric learners are especially complimented on their ability to successfully complete the care management training in the context of COVID-19 and include:  

  • Evelin Granados
  • Meg McMullin -
  • Cristin Atehortua
  • Cynthia Ali
  • Jennifer Gilman

Janet Limoges, KIDSNET Provider Relations Manager provided information on how to use KIDSNET to identify children who are in need of immunizations and lead screening.